Growth Mindset – Foundation to Building a Stronger Team Culture
Why a growth mindset methodology would be considered as a foundation to building a stronger team culture? The reality is there really never was a foundation to begin with all at anyway. Many small to large businesses would cite traditional leadership and a talented staff that work effectively together. Fact is that since there was […]
What Influences Communication?
Communication can be defined as a process of conveying a particular message by one person to the other. It is primarily a mutual conversation done between two people or groups. It is a critical function in organizations, from the very small to the very large. Even one-to-one communications can be fraught with challenges and misunderstandings. […]
How to Improve Workplace Communication
Effective communication in the workplace is what separates high performing companies among the rest. A company that has strong relationships established at its foundation not only drastically reduces employee turnover but dramatically increases production and efficiency. Despite this fact, even companies in good standing still struggle time to time with proper communication. When not handled […]