The Secret to Accelerating Your Business for Success

We operate our businesses in a world of automation, systems, and now artificial intelligence.   While this is necessary today as strategies to do business, we cannot continue to assume this will sustain it long term without considering mindset.  Now, we are not talking just mindset here but actually growth mindset. There is growth and fixed […]

What Influences Communication?

Communication can be defined as a process of conveying a particular message by one person to the other. It is primarily a mutual conversation done between two people or groups.  It is a critical function in organizations, from the very small to the very large.   Even one-to-one communications can be fraught with challenges and misunderstandings. […]

How to Revitalize Your Company From Stagnation?

Have you ever wondered what sets apart top businesses from the rest?  Think of Jeff Bezos – Amazon and Howard Shultz – Starbucks as examples.  What type of grass root approaches did they take when they first begun and how have they made them grow the levels they are for sustainable success? I have looked […]