Growth Mindset – Foundation to Building a Stronger Team Culture

Why a growth mindset methodology would be considered as a foundation to building a stronger team culture?  The reality is there really never was a foundation to begin with all at anyway.   Many small to large businesses would cite traditional leadership and a talented staff that work effectively together.  Fact is that since there was […]

The Secret to Accelerating Your Business for Success

We operate our businesses in a world of automation, systems, and now artificial intelligence.   While this is necessary today as strategies to do business, we cannot continue to assume this will sustain it long term without considering mindset.  Now, we are not talking just mindset here but actually growth mindset. There is growth and fixed […]

Six Habits of Highly Empathetic Business Leaders

In today’s business world, it seems to get more polarized and divisive each year.   It is a lack of communication that creates this divide and often prevents companies to play at higher level, the sustainable way. Empathy is powerful and can have profound effects how an organization or small business can elevate their business to […]

How to Create a Culture of Innovation

Organizations of all types desire to obtain results.  What distinguishes those that excel consistently over others is how they create a culture of innovation.  Organizations that demonstrate inadequate performance are not structured properly and do not have reward incentive programs built to build the right culture toward growth.   The recipe for sustainable success with peak […]

How to Create a Prosperity Mindset

Everyone in the world is entitled to prosperity and abundance. However, it is never just handed to you.  In order to attract it, we have to change our beliefs and thoughts toward it.  We must focus not just what we do but how we see the world around us. Our prosperity level is a direct […]

How to Grow From Your Past

Everyone goes through life with both wonderful and painful experiences on various levels.  These experiences consume your mental space.  This creates your past which current events can trigger feelings from the past to re-experience it over and over again.  As stated, we all have our up and down experiences that make up our past.  We […]