Six Habits of Highly Empathetic Business Leaders

In today’s business world, it seems to get more polarized and divisive each year. It is a lack of communication that creates this divide and often prevents companies to play at higher level, the sustainable way. Empathy is powerful and can have profound effects how an organization or small business can elevate their business to […]
How to Improve Workplace Communication

Effective communication in the workplace is what separates high performing companies among the rest. A company that has strong relationships established at its foundation not only drastically reduces employee turnover but dramatically increases production and efficiency. Despite this fact, even companies in good standing still struggle time to time with proper communication. When not handled […]
Is Happiness That Simple?

What makes people happy? It turns out that a lot goes into it and can be quite complicated. People experience emotions on various levels and is different for everyone. Each person’s general level of happiness is determined by genes and personality traits. It is life circumstances and daily activities that make up the rest. The […]
How to Revitalize Your Company From Stagnation?

Have you ever wondered what sets apart top businesses from the rest? Think of Jeff Bezos – Amazon and Howard Shultz – Starbucks as examples. What type of grass root approaches did they take when they first begun and how have they made them grow the levels they are for sustainable success? I have looked […]
How to Have Gratitude Everyday

We just had thanksgiving and now heading into Christmas. They say this is the time to be most thankful. However, we should be thankful every day. What stops us? It is not being consistent and putting gratitude as a priority to practice every day so it becomes a routine habit. It is like working out. […]