Detachment – Your Ticket to Freedom
People have been conditioned to be attached to the outcome of their desired goals and objectives. However, the reality is that detachment is the best way to achieve goals and acquire material possessions. It relinquishes our requirement or attachment to them. It assures creativity and freedom. Attachment to the outcome brings on stress, fear, and […]
The Art of Asking
We live in a society conditioned toward telling rather than asking. When in telling mode, we hope to inform and impress others whether it is for business or personal relationships. Western, egalitarian and individualistic cultures appreciate high achievers and task-accomplishment, but the awareness of interdependency and relationships is often missing: you need the others on […]
Starting Over – Three Barriers to Success
There comes a time in life where we have to start over. There are many ways to go about it, whether we make a conscious choice to change or forced to by unforeseen circumstances. The process is never easy but in the long run always worth it. It requires commitment to change and being consciously […]
The Impact of Giving & Receiving
How would you like to enjoy all that prosperity and abundance life has to offer? It is possible when you expand your experience of giving. The world we live in operates through the universal law of cause and effect. This means nothing ever stands still. Life is a constant flow of energy that goes through […]
The Universe Has a Plan for You
Is nothing going your way? Do you feel as though you hit a roadblock at every turn? You may have lost a job or business has experienced several setbacks. This has happened to me in the past and it took a lot of time and meditation to realize the Universe had a different plan for […]
Time to Make a Change
When is the best time to make a change? There is never an ideal time except for the present moment. The answer is now. It is fear that keeps us from making a change, even when we know it is best for us. Here are four feelings that should tell you it’s time to make […]
Why Being Accountable is Important?
Nothing in life can be carried out to the fullest without accountability! It is the one ingredient to this process that glues all these steps together in order to make a new you come to fruition. Accountability means living in integrity, with all your thoughts, words, and actions are consistent with one another and in […]
How to Grow From Your Past
Everyone goes through life with both wonderful and painful experiences on various levels. These experiences consume your mental space. This creates your past which current events can trigger feelings from the past to re-experience it over and over again. As stated, we all have our up and down experiences that make up our past. We […]
How To Let Go Of Resentment
Many of us have experienced hard feelings toward others when we fall out with people in our lives. This could happen when someone you worked for fires you, a spouse has cheated on you, or someone close to you is talking behind your back. It is human nature to feel pain from these experiences, but […]
Why Being Content is Important to the Quality of your Life?
Our society is so caught up with the idea that finding happiness is found with material things and certain lifestyles that will make our lives better. We are constantly being pitched products and services via media how they can make our lives easier. The reality is this is an illusion that never fills us up […]