Does Influence Work Best to Build Your Business?

Have you ever truly assessed why you do what you do in business?  Does your business and audience align with your core values and beliefs? While there are people who truly know this about themselves, there are many that do not and go through the motions looking for shortcuts to generate revenue.  Many do not […]

Develop & Execute Your Value Proposition

Developing a value proposition takes some time and patience. A real value proposition is more than a catchy tagline. For it to have impact, you have to know your customer and your business both from intellectual and emotional intelligence. In addition, you have to understand how your product or service aligns to your audience. So […]

How to Create a Culture of Innovation

Organizations of all types desire to obtain results.  What distinguishes those that excel consistently over others is how they create a culture of innovation.  Organizations that demonstrate inadequate performance are not structured properly and do not have reward incentive programs built to build the right culture toward growth.   The recipe for sustainable success with peak […]

Why Transparency is Important to Business

Transparency Establishes Trust Transparency builds trust, and makes employees feel that they’re working for a company with higher ethical standards.   According to a 2014 American Psychological Association Survey, 25% of employees do not trust their employer.  Half of them believe their employer is not upfront with them and open to the overall vision of the company. […]

How to Improve Workplace Communication

Effective communication in the workplace is what separates high performing companies among the rest.  A company that has strong relationships established at its foundation not only drastically reduces employee turnover but dramatically increases production and efficiency. Despite this fact, even companies in good standing still struggle time to time with proper communication.   When not handled […]

How to Revitalize Your Company From Stagnation?

Have you ever wondered what sets apart top businesses from the rest?  Think of Jeff Bezos – Amazon and Howard Shultz – Starbucks as examples.  What type of grass root approaches did they take when they first begun and how have they made them grow the levels they are for sustainable success? I have looked […]

The Art of Asking

We live in a society conditioned toward telling rather than asking.  When in telling mode, we hope to inform and impress others whether it is for business or personal relationships.  Western, egalitarian and individualistic cultures appreciate high achievers and task-accomplishment, but the awareness of interdependency and relationships is often missing: you need the others on […]