Growth Mindset – Foundation to Building a Stronger Team Culture
Why a growth mindset methodology would be considered as a foundation to building a stronger team culture? The reality is there really never was a foundation to begin with all at anyway. Many small to large businesses would cite traditional leadership and a talented staff that work effectively together. Fact is that since there was […]
Does Influence Work Best to Build Your Business?
Have you ever truly assessed why you do what you do in business? Does your business and audience align with your core values and beliefs? While there are people who truly know this about themselves, there are many that do not and go through the motions looking for shortcuts to generate revenue. Many do not […]
The Secret to Accelerating Your Business for Success
We operate our businesses in a world of automation, systems, and now artificial intelligence. While this is necessary today as strategies to do business, we cannot continue to assume this will sustain it long term without considering mindset. Now, we are not talking just mindset here but actually growth mindset. There is growth and fixed […]
What Really Works When it Comes to Sales Incentives
At some point, organizations or businesses of any size have to evaluate if their sales incentive programs are really working to improve their bottom line. The monetary value of incentives has traditionally been used to spark motivation and create competition among sales staff or channel partners to succeed. While some self-motivated sales people are sparked […]
The Art of Relating for Sustainable Sales
Every entrepreneur or salesperson has faced challenges selling their products and services. It is part of the sales process journey. We have been taught to listen to prospects and customers through the discovery phase and then to present a solution that best solves their problem or provides a solution. While this is the correct process, […]
How to Create a Culture of Innovation
Organizations of all types desire to obtain results. What distinguishes those that excel consistently over others is how they create a culture of innovation. Organizations that demonstrate inadequate performance are not structured properly and do not have reward incentive programs built to build the right culture toward growth. The recipe for sustainable success with peak […]
Embrace Uncertainty for Your Success
It is nothing new that we live in uncertain times. Uncertainty can be uncomfortable. We are wired since birth to control our environment. There is comfort on some level with having stability between our past and future. Living in the moment is something foreign to most of us as we like to feel in control […]
The Real Truth About Fear
Every human being has experienced fear and how it makes us feel. However, fear is often regarded as a negative emotion. In reality, it is a positive emotion, but we have taken it out of context. Fear warns us of impending danger so we can make choices to keep safe. The issue with fear is […]
The Impact of Giving & Receiving
How would you like to enjoy all that prosperity and abundance life has to offer? It is possible when you expand your experience of giving. The world we live in operates through the universal law of cause and effect. This means nothing ever stands still. Life is a constant flow of energy that goes through […]
How Can Looking Inward Change Your Business
Most people who experience burnout or lack of motivation look at a vacation as a way to recharge their batteries. It does help but the vacation itself only provides a short term solution and one that is not sustainable. Do you have the resources and time to take vacations once a month? The ability to […]