Why you can be an Extraordinary Leader

What does it take to be an extraordinary leader?   Are they born with it or made? When it comes to leadership, most people concentrate on what you do.   That is only half of it.   It starts with your “Why”.   You have to know your “why” because what you do is not meaningful without it. To […]

Does Influence Work Best to Build Your Business?

Have you ever truly assessed why you do what you do in business?  Does your business and audience align with your core values and beliefs? While there are people who truly know this about themselves, there are many that do not and go through the motions looking for shortcuts to generate revenue.  Many do not […]

How to Have Gratitude Everyday

We just had thanksgiving and now heading into Christmas.  They say this is the time to be most thankful.  However, we should be thankful every day.  What stops us?  It is not being consistent and putting gratitude as a priority to practice every day so it becomes a routine habit.  It is like working out.  […]