Embrace Uncertainty for Your Success
It is nothing new that we live in uncertain times. Uncertainty can be uncomfortable. We are wired since birth to control our environment. There is comfort on some level with having stability between our past and future. Living in the moment is something foreign to most of us as we like to feel in control […]
Your Vision Defines Your Greatness
Every person on this planet has a vision that dwells deep inside of us. Some are fortunate to be in tune to it and do great things for themselves and others around them. Some ignore this calling and deviate to someone else’s plan for them based on limited beliefs. Your vision in its purest form […]
Focus on Your Strengths for Better Business
So many of us have been conditioned to dwell on the negative feedback or things we do not do well. This is why many experience struggle at times throughout their careers or sustaining businesses. Why do most people struggle on their weaknesses rather than their strengths? It comes down to the idea everything has to […]
How to Create a Prosperity Mindset
Everyone in the world is entitled to prosperity and abundance. However, it is never just handed to you. In order to attract it, we have to change our beliefs and thoughts toward it. We must focus not just what we do but how we see the world around us. Our prosperity level is a direct […]
The Impact of Intuition
Intuition is the ability to understand something immediately, without the need for conscious reasoning, as defined by Oxford dictionary. Our society preaches national and logical thought processes. This means to depend upon knowingness that exists beyond what we can see, hear, smell, and taste is crazy. In my opinion, this is such a shame. We […]
Detachment – Your Ticket to Freedom
People have been conditioned to be attached to the outcome of their desired goals and objectives. However, the reality is that detachment is the best way to achieve goals and acquire material possessions. It relinquishes our requirement or attachment to them. It assures creativity and freedom. Attachment to the outcome brings on stress, fear, and […]
Starting Over – Three Barriers to Success
There comes a time in life where we have to start over. There are many ways to go about it, whether we make a conscious choice to change or forced to by unforeseen circumstances. The process is never easy but in the long run always worth it. It requires commitment to change and being consciously […]
The Universe Has a Plan for You
Is nothing going your way? Do you feel as though you hit a roadblock at every turn? You may have lost a job or business has experienced several setbacks. This has happened to me in the past and it took a lot of time and meditation to realize the Universe had a different plan for […]
Time to Make a Change
When is the best time to make a change? There is never an ideal time except for the present moment. The answer is now. It is fear that keeps us from making a change, even when we know it is best for us. Here are four feelings that should tell you it’s time to make […]
How to Release Negative Energy
Negative energy can make its way into your life because it is the lowest vibrational energy that requires very little to no effort to absorb. However, its effects can be exhausting on your mindset and body. So what can cause negative energy to permeate through you? It could an altercation with your boss or co-worker. […]