
Why you can be an Extraordinary Leader

What does it take to be an extraordinary leader?   Are they born with it or made? When it comes to leadership, most people concentrate on what you do.   That is only half of it.   It starts with your “Why”.   You

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Develop & Execute Your Value Proposition

Developing a value proposition takes some time and patience. A real value proposition is more than a catchy tagline. For it to have impact, you have to know your customer and your business both from intellectual and emotional intelligence. In

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What Influences Communication?

Communication can be defined as a process of conveying a particular message by one person to the other. It is primarily a mutual conversation done between two people or groups.  It is a critical function in organizations, from the very

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Six Habits of Highly Empathetic Business Leaders

In today’s business world, it seems to get more polarized and divisive each year.   It is a lack of communication that creates this divide and often prevents companies to play at higher level, the sustainable way. Empathy is powerful and

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What Really Works When it Comes to Sales Incentives

At some point, organizations or businesses of any size have to evaluate if their sales incentive programs are really working to improve their bottom line.  The monetary value of incentives has traditionally been used to spark motivation and create competition

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The Art of Relating for Sustainable Sales

Every entrepreneur or salesperson has faced challenges selling their products and services.  It is part of the sales process journey.  We have been taught to listen to prospects and customers through the discovery phase and then to present a solution

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How to Create a Culture of Innovation

Organizations of all types desire to obtain results.  What distinguishes those that excel consistently over others is how they create a culture of innovation.  Organizations that demonstrate inadequate performance are not structured properly and do not have reward incentive programs

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