Christopher salem's blog

Why Some Materialistic Millennials are Not Satisfied?

It seems every year this is becoming more of a problem.  Millennials but not all have been raised where most of everything they wanted as children has been given or provided to them.  This is in the form of material stuff such as video gaming devices.   This enablement through childhood has created an epidemic where there is a high like feeling to have the latest new gadget.  It only provides a short term fix and then leads to boredom starting the process all over again.

So why are millennials and other adults not satisfied?  Psychologists know the human mind is designed to adapt to its surroundings.   It is the reason why some can live in a big city and adapt to the noise while others don’t.  It is why some can deal with tragedy and then later have peace and joy while others go on with anger, unhappiness, and depression.   The problem starts with parents when raising their children.  Some parents teach their children that having more is better.  The logical conclusion to children growing up is this is necessary to be truly happy.  However, the opposite is the true case.  Children learn what they hear and see.  They unconsciously bring this into adulthood repeating the same pattern with their children.   Materialistic people tend to be more anxious, depressed, and more prone to addictive behavior that lead to the use of drugs and alcohol.

We as parents do not want to deprive our children with nice things like games and latest fashion.  However, when this is overdone it always equates to the things they want but in reality do not necessarily require.  The question is, how do we raise our children to really appreciate what they have and prevent them from becoming consumed with acquisitions?

The answer to this problem is investing in experiences they can remember and share for a lifetime rather than owning an overflow of material things.   Having simple experiences like eating a candied apple at the amusement park to traveling somewhere exciting, and deep connections to extended family and friends bring on long term satisfaction.   Material things through the addiction to acquisitions is short term and leads to being dissatisfied.  When we have experiences we have fun.  Our minds have a way of refining memories where the experiences gets even better in time just like aged cheese and wine.   Experiences also improve children’s social skills which are vitally important in adulthood.  Human happiness is a byproduct of having healthy and stable social relationships with family and friends.  Sharing experiences is a true gift that people remember and makes them feel good.  They can last a lifetime.

So, we all as parents, teachers, and mentors have to work together to create a paradigm shift that positions our children to have a life of purpose and happiness.  This in turn will create a new cycle and generations to come of happy people focused on experiences rather than material things.

To your health & prosperity,

Christopher Salem

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