Christopher salem's blog

What Is A Worthwhile Life?

Life is about pursuing your purpose always adding value to others and the world.  It is also what you become in the process that develops your character.  Many people never find or fulfill their purpose. This is because of limited beliefs established in childhood that are the root cause to never living a rich and fulfilling life that is both satisfying and worthwhile.

So what can aspiring successful people do to have a well-rounded life that both have meaning and purpose?  Here are a few suggestions to go within to find your true calling:

1) Who are you?

A person is not defined by their work itself, their material assets, and net worth.  We are more than just what we do for a living.  What is important here is to seek what makes you happy putting money and materials things aside and does it add value to others? When you discover your true purpose then you have found real wealth.  You can determine how it impacts others for a better life, your family, business partners, and friends.

2) What Really Matters?

If people come only from ego by focusing on vanity and pride, they are not aligned to what really matters. The media creates this false illusion of what is important such as money itself, assets, and fame.  While these are all good and worth striving for, the reality is that in itself they are not sustainable to truly what matters.   We should focus on what really matters such as trust, intimacy and healthy & sustainable relationships. These truly matter because of how they make us feel.

3) What Makes Us Happy?

A part of our true purpose is discovering are happiness associated with it.  A person’s bliss is what he is most passionate about, such as your favorite hobby. It could be a natural-born gift, or something one had to work to master. No matter what their bliss is, it should be incorporated into their everyday life.

4) Why Helping Others Helps You?

We are all challenged in our lives to strive toward excellence in our careers, wellness, and relationships.  This is part of achieving sustainable success with a balance among the three listed here.  However, the victories found within these challenges are not nearly as satisfying as helping others achieve their own dreams. Being interdependent rather than independent, focusing on other’s goals as well as yours creates more rewarding and sustainable feeling of success.  Self-focus may make us feel as if we are above all others, but that leaves us feeling alone in their end.  There is nothing more satisfying than finding relevance and purpose by impacting other people’s lives.

5) Why Understanding Others Is Important?

You have the heard the phrase “I rather be rich than right”.  Compromising is better than winning an argument. It’s better for people to have a better understanding of the other person’s point of view, rather than focusing on what makes you right. Therefore, we should listen to what they have to say and try to understand what makes their view so different from our own. This is especially important when it comes to his relationships with family, friends, coworkers and significant others.

6) Why We Must Treasure Our Closest Relationships?

Cheating is the primary reason to many failed or strained relationships.  It does not always mean being intimate with someone else behind our partner’s back.  It can mean not listening and truly understanding our partner’s needs.  It can also apply to your business, job, family, and friends.  The best way to maintain an intimate connection and remain faithful to your partner and others is to communicate openly and spend quality time together. We should always ask our partner how they feel, and if they aren’t feeling great, we should ask what we can do to help them feel better.

These key points are important for awareness if one strives to have excellence living a life worthwhile.  Make it a point today to look at these key points with your current situation and strive toward excellence to find balance to live a life that is happier and more fulfilling to you.

To your health & prosperity,

Christopher Salem

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