Is Happiness That Simple?

What makes people happy?  It turns out that a lot goes into it and can be quite complicated. People experience emotions on various levels and is different for everyone.  Each person’s general level of happiness is determined by genes and personality traits.  It is life circumstances and daily activities that make up the rest. The […]

Why To Invest In Yourself?

You have probably heard before that there is no greater investment than in yourself. However, many people fail to make themselves a priority, especially when it comes to their overall wellness and personal development. When there is no balance with one’s wellness and personal development, it is difficult to maintain continued strides towards mastery of […]

Why Being Content is Important to the Quality of your Life?

Our society is so caught up with the idea that finding happiness is found with material things and certain lifestyles that will make our lives better.   We are constantly being pitched products and services via media how they can make our lives easier.   The reality is this is an illusion that never fills us up […]

How To Understand & Pursue Your Life Path

We all have a life path.  Everyone has a purpose and must be co-created with the source – the universe.   So how do you find it?   You have to be willing to be open, learn, and come out of your comfort zone often to grow.   This process is not easy but necessary to fulfill and […]

Why Laughter is Good for Business

Does anyone over 45 remember “Benny Hill”?  The other night, I was watching a re-run of the “Benny Hill” comedy show and found myself laughing and enjoying the antics and jokes. Afterwards, I felt completely rejuvenated and in good spirits.  I felt compelled to take on any project with enthusiasm even though it was a […]

How to Eliminate Blocks to Have Sustainable Success

Everything is energy.   This means you and everything around you is made up of energy. Have you ever considered your energy field plays an important role with experiencing sustainable success?  Do you think that the thoughts you think, the words you say and the actions you take shape your energy? You are just like a […]