How to Have Gratitude Everyday

We just had thanksgiving and now heading into Christmas.  They say this is the time to be most thankful.  However, we should be thankful every day.  What stops us?  It is not being consistent and putting gratitude as a priority to practice every day so it becomes a routine habit.  It is like working out.  […]

The Impact of Giving & Receiving

How would you like to enjoy all that prosperity and abundance life has to offer?  It is possible when you expand your experience of giving. The world we live in operates through the universal law of cause and effect.  This means nothing ever stands still.  Life is a constant flow of energy that goes through […]

How Meditation & Journaling Together Can Change Your Life and Business

Perhaps, you have given some thought that mediation & journaling may have positive impact on your life.  Did you ever consider both for your business? It is important to note that how your live your life has direct impact on your business long term and vice versa.  They should be treated as one as when […]

How To Understand & Pursue Your Life Path

We all have a life path.  Everyone has a purpose and must be co-created with the source – the universe.   So how do you find it?   You have to be willing to be open, learn, and come out of your comfort zone often to grow.   This process is not easy but necessary to fulfill and […]

What is Really Important in Life?

Imagine if your life flashed before your eyes.  What would you see? You may initially conclude your ego would focus on the momentous moments. However, I would be willing to bet that it would be the little things that crossed your path in life. It could be playing ball in the back yard with your […]

How to Eliminate Blocks to Have Sustainable Success

Everything is energy.   This means you and everything around you is made up of energy. Have you ever considered your energy field plays an important role with experiencing sustainable success?  Do you think that the thoughts you think, the words you say and the actions you take shape your energy? You are just like a […]